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Stichting Uden Hartveilig

A helping hand for Stichting Uden Hartveilig

Many AED networks in the Netherlands are supported mainly by volunteers. This is also the case in the (merger) municipality of Maashorst in Noord-Brabant. Stichting Uden Hartveilig* is committed to an optimal distribution of properly functioning AEDs and to train as many people as possible to be able to resuscitate. Fantastic work!

François Watervoort is one of the volunteers: “The foundation wants to make sure that everywhere in the municipality an operational AED is at hand within the critical limit of 6 minutes. Also maintenance plays a crucial role. All AEDs indoors and outdoors must be checked regularly. A huge challenge because we only have a few volunteers.

When our regular AED supplier recently passed away, we were forced to look for a new party. But who? I knew that one of our volunteers worked at AED-Partner, so I gave him a call. He just happened to be looking for a fire instructor to teach an emergency response class. I’m always happy to help, so of course I said yes.

After the class, I happened to bump into Chantal and Bart from AED-Partner. That was fate: when they heard my story, they immediately offered to help the foundation. Fantastic! AED-Partner has checked the AEDs completely free of charge and replaced parts for free if needed. This gesture was received very positively by the foundation. We found our AED-Partner. We're looking forward to a long collaboration!

* Due to the merger of (former) municipalities of Uden and Landerd into the municipality of Maashorst, the foundation will soon be given a new name: Stichting Maashorst Hartveilig.

François Watervoort
Stichting Uden Hartveilig


Contact details NL

AED-Partner the Netherlands

Ekkersrijt 4301

5692 DJ Son

T: +31 (0)499 49 00 16

M: info@aedpartner.nl

Contact details BE

AED-Partner Belgium

Everselstraat 133

3580 Beringen

T: +32 (0)11 42 03 45

M: info@aedpartner.be

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